Can't embed BitChute videos even after whitelisting the url

Even after me whitelisting here:

When I paste the embedding code in my post (I’m admin), no preview, nothing is shown:

I’ve gone thru this meta topic: first-class-support-for-3rd-party-video-services/121241/11, but not able to get help.

If I post the sharing link directly, then it’s OneBoxed.

Can someone suggest some video sharing service, that lets me embed ‘Uncensored’ videos onto my disco site? (PeerTube needs a linux server, which I can’t provide right now)

Could you try adding a slash to the end of the setting value?

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No, this didn’t help. Tried hard refreshing, changing browser from Firefox to Chrome (both latest versions).

One boxing is ok:

Hmm. :thinking: FWIW They seem to be working fine for me. I added to allowed frames and copied an embed link from a random video on the site and it successfully displayed in a post.


Which one did you try - the HTML or the JS version?

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I tried both, one by one.
Exactly same result. Nothing shows in the Preview window at all. As if I’ve not typed/pasted anything in the composer window.

Ah!! It worked. But only when I exactly copied your link and pasted there. (Earlier also I was copying pasting from the Url bar only, didn’t type manually)

Don’t know what was I doing wrong?

And also, more importantly: While experimenting earlier, I removed all the links from allowed list and only inputted an asterisk *
Now it seems to have spoiled all my old embeddings of/from other video streaming services like youtbe?
Why, haven’t I inputted the * correctly?

How can I allow all the video streaming services in one go?

I don’t think that setting supports a wildcard. I think you need to add back each one you removed.


OH! That’s very bad. Are you sure about this?
Because in OneBox iframes, * has been used by default.

Also/Alternatively, might there be any setting, which could allow any/all websites to be embedded?