Allow multiple ‘new topic’ drafts

I have a Discourse for Teams customer asking about the fact that it is possible to have multiple topic replies in flight at the same time but you can only have one new topic in flight at a time. I myself have often found myself in the position when I am in the middle of writing a longer new topic and want to hit the pause button so I can add a reply to something else.

The current workarounds appear to be to do one of the following:

  1. cancel and copy/paste post into a text editor elsewhere
  2. cancel and copy/paste post into a PM to yourself
  3. save as shared draft (if you are staff and happy to have other staff see your draft before it is published)

These are all fairly unwieldy and unfriendly to the user, especially in a Teams context where users may be working on several new topics at a time and also may not be very comfortable or happy about workarounds. Is there a particular reason why this is not currently possible? Could we build it?