This one also had two entries where ‘shiny-server’ matched only one but ‘%hiney-server’ matched both. I don’t see how this helps me to understand but I think you’re saying that the select
I’m doing expects only one thing to be returned and pulls it from the index, ignoring the other, but when I use the %
it searches the fields.
discourse=> EXPLAIN ANALYZE select * from tags where name='shiny-server';
Index Scan using index_tags_on_name on tags (cost=0.28..8.29 rows=1 width=36) (actual time=0.038..0.040 rows=1 loops=1)
Index Cond: ((name)::text = 'shiny-server'::text)
Planning time: 0.129 ms
Execution time: 0.070 ms
(4 rows)
I rather doubt that anyone who wouldn’t figure this out on their own will find this useful, but … I did a bunch of finding the two tag_id
s with the same name and doing stuff like
TopicTag.where(tag_id: 717).update_all(tag_id: 611)
Tag.find(717) # make sure it's not in any topics
and then doing a reindex table tags;
in psql.
And it looks like now I’ll need to do it for users
somewhat like @bartv described. Though with my users, I see one user David and another user david and also [Mm]ark
Those I fixed like
marks=User.where("username similar to '[Mm]+ark'").pluck(:id,:username,:created_at)
Then contrive to find the new mark in /admin/users
and rename the user there. Then try to reindex table users;
in psql. (sudo su - discourse
and then psql