Change ownership of all posts by a specific user

:bookmark: This guide outlines the process to change the ownership of all posts by a specific user. This task requires console access.

:person_raising_hand: Required user level: Server administrator with SSH access

In Discourse, there may be situations where you need to change the ownership of all posts by a specific user. This guide provides the steps for achieving this on self-hosted Discourse instances. If you’re using Discourse hosting, please contact the support team at for assistance with this process.

Access your site

  1. Connect to your Droplet via SSH.

  2. Enter the Docker container for your Discourse instance by running the following commands:

    cd /var/discourse
    ./launcher enter app

Changing ownership of all public posts

To transfer ownership of all public topics/posts from one user to another, use the following command:

rake users:change_post_ownership["old_username","new_username"]

Replace old_username with the current owner’s username and new_username with the new owner’s username.

Changing ownership of all private posts

To change the ownership of all private messages (topics/posts), execute the command below:

rake users:change_post_ownership["old_username","new_username",private]

Again, replace old_username and new_username with the relevant usernames.

Last edited by @SaraDev 2024-10-30T23:17:15Z

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