Changing ownership of posts leaves negative posts count

I’ve changed the ownership of posts from an “old email address” related account login to a new email login as described here (before I read the howto, unfortunately…)

Anyway looking at the “old” user account I see the number of posts this account has is minus 7.
How can this be?


Has anyone found a solution to this ?

I just registered my account to my Discourse instance after needing to install it again, and I made a representative account with admin so I can configure my forum through it. I forgot to log out of my main and into the rep account, and when I made a category, I changed the ownership to the representative account and made my post count negative. Is there a way for me to reset my topic and post count to be 0 again? I haven’t posted anything other than unlisting an automatically created topic.


I am pretty sure it re-syncs at some point, may have to wait a whole week on it though.

Is the negative number there even after waiting 7 days?

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