Change theme from light to dark

I really would like to know how to change my theme from light to dark in preferences, but I can’t find preferences. I watched the tutorial, but I don’t see it on my dashboard. Can someone help me out?

Are you trying to change a theme as an admin or as a user in their profile preferences?

To change your account theme to go preferences → interface

To change themes from the admin side of things here are a couple of search results.

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I’m trying to change it as a user not Admin…

Also, Banko said to contact support about my project assignment, are you able to help me with that dilemma?

It would be helpful to know the guide you were following and where you got stuck. Did you find you preferences?

You should be able to find it in the same place where you can find them here.

In general, the public part of this forum relies a lot on community support, so all people without the Discourse logo next to their avatar have no information about the internal support inbox for customers hosted by Discourse.


Got the theme changed, thanks! :blush: