Lists of tags on topics in Discourse are separated by commas by default. This isn’t changing, but how it’s implemented and how you can change it has:
Previously we used a CSS pseudo element to add the commas, which isn’t ideal because the content isn’t technically available as part of the document — screenreaders can’t access it, they’re not selectable, web crawlers can’t see them…
This change merged today moves the tag separators to proper HTML: FEATURE: customizable tag separator with value transformer in proper HTML by awesomerobot · Pull Request #31674 · discourse/discourse · GitHub
For most sites this won’t change anything obvious, but if you previously removed or changed the tag separator you’ll have to use a value transformer instead of CSS.
This is a fairly straightforward process with JS, for example if you want to remove the comma entirely:
import { apiInitializer } from "discourse/lib/api";
export default apiInitializer((api) => {
api.registerValueTransformer("tag-separator", () => "");
or if you want to use a pipe separator
import { apiInitializer } from "discourse/lib/api";
export default apiInitializer((api) => {
api.registerValueTransformer("tag-separator", () => "|");
coupled with a little CSS:
.discourse-tags__tag-separator {
margin-inline: 0.25em;
Let us know if you encounter any issues with this change!