Can we have a tag or similar for #dev announcements?

Can we please have a tag, sub-category, or index for the dev announcements?
I think they are valuable enough so we can find/track them easily.

I wanted to search them several times, and it’s not super convenient. It would be helpful to remove some noise and track them properly!

I made a list of…

.. previous announcements.

March 2025

Moving to JS native class syntax in themes and plugins
Change to how lists of tags are separated
Removing support for "template overrides" and mobile-specific templates

February 2025

Introducing a 'js' tab for local themes

January 2025

Introducing Discourse developer toolbar

December 2024

Upcoming topic-list changes - how to prepare themes and plugins
Upcoming post menu changes - How to prepare themes and plugins

November 2024

Resolving the `this-property-fallback` deprecation

September 2024

Discourse core is switching to pnpm for JS package management

March 2024

Upcoming Header Changes - Preparing Themes and Plugins

October 2023

November 2023 - refactoring Discovery routes: how will it affect my theme/plugin?

January 2023

New on Crowdin - Translators can work on stable and latest version

January 2021

Plugin stylesheets must use CSS custom properties for colors

May 2021

.gitignore changes in Discourse core

April 2020

Automatically adding theme scripts to CSP
Solving "zsh: no matches found" error when running rake task

January 2020

Switching from Transifex to Crowdin
Changes to the user card data source

September 2019

Upgrading Discourse to Zeitwerk
Upgrading Discourse to Rails 6

August 2019

Defer loading JavaScript in Themes and Components

April 2019

New iOS mobile app beta available for testing
How does post tracking work in Discourse

February 2019

Ruby 2.6.1 will speed Discourse up!

After that, it’s more dev conversations rather than actual announcements.


Yeah I agree we need something here - either a tag or a subcategory of Dev. We’ll figure something out :eyes:


Wow! That’s an impressive list. Thanks for compiling it.

I created a dev-news tag and added all those topics to it, to see how it feels. If it’s good enough, we can stick with that and not create more hierarchy in the categories.

I noticed the Announcements category description says “The place for all Discourse announcements.” Is that accurate? Are there more :megaphone: PSA type announcements that are shared in other categories? I know we have Releases as well which is also contains announcements of a sort.