Hi I’m looking for someone who has both a good taste and a good understanding of discourse to pretty up our discourse instance! I can offer some references!
When do I need it done?
one or two days
What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?
Depending on their community’s focus maybe even just a few Theme component might give the boost their looking for. Or a theme maybe with a couple of extra TC.
Not enough info to base any feedback on. As “Good Taste” can be highly subjective.
It’s an empty forum, so what im looking for now is just a couple of theme components and minor customizations and just generally someone who would have a good taste.
If we saw that our users will use the forum, we will of course pour a lot more money into it! now it’s mostly to test demands!
of course its subjective, but i can see their previous work and decide based on my taste.