Character limits not enforced after changing them

Hello, I’m busy setting up my discourse.

I have set new limits in the admin CP for minimum post length, and title length. However when I post, the old limits are still enforced? I rebuild the app to be sure, but still nothing. When I look in the admin CP the new settings are there. How do I let it enforce the limits set in the admin CP?

many thanks in advance!

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There are a few settings for this and they all control different things.

Setting What it applies to
min_topic_title_length Regular topic titles
min_first_post_length The first post in a regular topic
min_post_length Replies in a regular topic
min_personal_message_title_length Personal message titles
min_personal_message_post_length The first post in a personal message

Which settings did you change and how are you testing them?

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Thank you for your reply, this is what I changed. (See screenshot below)

I test by creating a new topic and typing in something. So I tested with a 5 letter post and it says “posts need to be 20 characters”

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