Chat box and After Header content issue on mobile

Discourse 3.4.0.beta1-dev
iPhone SE 2020

I’m seeing an issue on mobile where the chat box is being pushed down if there is content in after header, in my case 2 adverts as shown in the picture, I cannot get to the reply box

Wrapped in divs with minimal CSS associated with it.

Tried to remove the divs and keep just the images but still the same issue

On initial chat load the chat box is forced down under the After Header content, if you then refresh the browser you are able to view channels by scrolling and PM’s are completely fixed, no scrolling.

Completely broken in discourse hub app

I can’t remove the adverts, anyone got a workaround?

Hello :wave: Why you can’t hide ads on chat? Is that because you want to the ads be there or technical reason? It can be targetable with CSS separately to chat.

Something like:
Change your-ads-class to the class which you can target house-ad.

body.has-full-page-chat {
  .your-ads-class {
    display: none;

Yeah I need the ads to show.

Thank you so much you’re a life saver, the CSS works perfectly :ok_hand:


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