Check boxes and Mandatory fields in Topic templates?


Is there a way to have Topic templates include Checkboxes and Mandatory fields?


Hi @Anat_Srulovitch! :wave:

In Discourse we have two “template” approaches that you may be referring to:

  1. the plugin at Discourse Templates, or
  2. the core feature where the composer window is populated with a template

Which are you referring to?

And also, pretty sure it’s a yes on checkboxes and a maybe on mandatory fields. :slight_smile:

Thanks for your response, @maiki!

I’m referring to your #2 - the core feature where the composer window is populated with a template.

And also, pretty sure it’s a yes on checkboxes and a maybe on mandatory fields. :slight_smile:

Yay! Exciting! Can you direct me to some resources?


Hi @maiki -
I’d love to hear more about this:

And also, pretty sure it’s a yes on checkboxes and a maybe on mandatory fields. :slight_smile:


Hi again! :wave:

Sorry, last week I was a bit under the weather.

Okay, now that I know what you are referring to: I believe there has been some development in this area, but I’m not sure how close to usable it is. The new way has options for structuring data, and comes with normal form features, such as required fields.

I’ll share more details as I learn them. :slight_smile:


Thanks, looking forward to more updates :sunny: :boom:

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This is now possible thanks to Introducing Experimental Form Templates