Christmas Decoration Component 🎄

Hi @meghna, I’ve made a pull request with a few bugs fixed.


Thanks @Canapin, PR is merged. :+1:


Thanks for this great theme component.

Have you noticed that the decoration image appears too soon when the sidebar is on? It looks like it appears at 1450px width. Around 1700px might be better with the sidebar. I don’t know whether that’s possible.


I now use this component instead of my own customizations, though I prefer rounded lightbulbs :blush:

However, there’s still a slight issue with the component. Lightbulbs’ bases are hidden behind the header:

I’ve made a PR to fix it.

For those who prefer rounded bulbs, you can add this CSS to your own theme:

.lightrope li {
        width: 12px;
        height: 15px;


Thanks @Canapin, i’ve merged the PR. :heart:


Is it normal that with smartphones is so low?

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Good catch! I’ll have a look.

edit: I made a PR.


The vertical position will be wrong if you use this theme along with Welcome Banner theme component even if the banner is hidden.


The most straightforward way to circumvent the issue is adding this CSS to your theme:

.above-main-container-outlet.welcome-link-banner-connectors {
    margin-bottom: 0;

I’ve updated the welcome link banner component to avoid this. Thanks again @Canapin!


Today there was an update for this component, so I updated it, even if it is disabled here as Christmas is over. Now I see the following:

Error: Invalid CSS after "...hadow: 0px math": expected expression (e.g. 1px, bold), was ".div($globe-height," on line 44 of ../../../tmp/discourse_theme_acdcea7663ae5fb94fa2525e54768195/discourse-christmas-decorations/stylesheets/lights.scss from line 2 of common.scss >> box-shadow: 0px math.div($globe-height, 6) $globe-width*2 $globe-sprea --------------------------^

Something is broken now. :wink:

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Are you on latest Discourse?

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I run 3.1.0.beta2 [e64d1c4105] here. So, Beta version yes, but for surely not the latest commit.

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Same with [7eb6223b04] :wink:

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I reverted the commit for now and will work with @Falco for proper fix.

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I was testing this and found hats not showing on mobile view.

thanks for this nice one !

one suggestion, should the bells on both side be colored, it is black/white now, not so holiday ? haha, your call tho…

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in mobile view, it does not have the list contributors , if get a hat for each topic author, that looks too busy,
seems ok now on mobile, my 2c.

I chose the black/white so that it looks good on all type of color schemes. PR welcome though :slight_smile:


another suggestion,
it will nicer if could add a setting to change the light banner image, maybe several options, or change randomly.
say, turn on this component now, it is still several weeks till christmas, it is nicer if could have some changes … :slight_smile:

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Can you fix the hats for mobile? :grinning: