Clickable Topic

Broken now.

We relied on this component to make Categories + Latest view (default in our case) topic cards clickable. Since today’s update to the latest 3.1.0beta8 (now it shows as 3.2.0.beta1-dev), the component stopped working correctly.

Now the active state of the cursor remains as clickable, but topic area is not clickable. With browser’s console opened there’s an error, which may help developers to identify the problem:

Uncaught TypeError: this.router is undefined

function navigateToTopic(topic, href) {
    if (this.siteSettings.page_loading_indicator !== "slider") {
      // With the slider, it feels nicer for the header to update once the rest of the topic content loads,
      // so skip setting it early.
      this.appEvents.trigger("header:update-topic", topic);
    this.session.set("lastTopicIdViewed", {
      historyUuid: this.router.location.getState?.().uuid
    _url.default.routeTo(href || topic.get("url"));
    return false;

The error thrown for line:

historyUuid: this.router.location.getState?.().uuid

May it be related to Ember upgrades planned/ongoing in the core?