Topic Footer Buttons

:discourse2: Summary Custom Topic Button defines a button visible at the bottom of your topic to open a URL of your choice.
Custom Group Topic Button defines a button visible at the bottom of your topic to open a URL of your choice, with added group visibility options.
:eyeglasses: Preview Preview on Discourse Theme Creator
(Custom Topic Button)
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Install Custom Topic Button

Install Custom Group Topic Button


Hi, let me introduce you to two new simple theme components which have essentially the same goal but are slightly different:

This component will let you define a button visible at the bottom of your topic to open a URL of your choice.

You can customise label/title/icon/link. Links accept multiple placeholders:


which will be replaced accordingly.

Has the same behaviour, except you can define a group to limit the visibility of this button.

These components are very simple right now, we could improve them in the future if we see real usage of them and issues.


Custom Topic Button

Name Description
custom topic button enabled
custom topic button url
custom topic button title Button description here…
custom topic button label Click Me
custom topic button icon

Custom Group Topic Button

Name Description
topic group button enabled
topic group button url
topic group button title Button description here…
topic group button label Click Me
topic group button allowed group
topic group button icon

:discourse2: Hosted by us? Theme components are available to use on our Standard, Business, and Enterprise plans.

Last edited by @JammyDodger 2024-06-15T19:16:42Z

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