Codenames for post-2.0 Discourse releases

I don’t think that’s quite a fit … 2.4 is “writing”, so going with

Some idea of timeline:

2.1 petroglyph Bhimbetka ~30,000 years ago
2.2 pictogram La Pasiega ~15,000 years ago
2.3 ideogram Vinča ~4500 BC
2.4 writing Cuneiform ~2600 BC

Next up, alphabet is also looking clearly Greek, at 800 BC

By at least the 8th century BCE the Greeks borrowed the Phoenician alphabet and adapted it to their own language, creating in the process the first “true” alphabet, in which vowels were accorded equal status with consonants. According to Greek legends transmitted by Herodotus, the alphabet was brought from Phoenicia to Greece by Cadmos. The letters of the Greek alphabet are the same as those of the Phoenician alphabet, and both alphabets are arranged in the same order.

So let’s plan ahead for future releases :partying_face:

2.5 alphabet Greek 800 BC
2.6 telegraph Baudot 1870 AD
2.7 telephone Strowger 1891 AD
2.8 radio Audion 1906 AD
2.9 television Nipkow 1920 AD
3.1 satellite Telstar 1962 AD
3.2 videotelephony PicturePhone 1964 AD
3.3 internet Arpanet 1983 AD