Color schemes are now color palettes

We’ve updated the terminology in Discourse’s interface to improve consistency across the platform. What was previously called a “color scheme” is now referred to as a “color palette” throughout the user interface.

What’s Changed

  • The term “color scheme” has been replaced with “color palette” across the Discourse interface.
  • This change affects what you’ll see in the admin area, customization settings, and other UI elements.
  • The functionality remains exactly the same - only the terminology has changed.

What to Expect

  • If you’re writing documentation or guides about Discourse, please use “color palette” going forward.
  • You may still see references to “color scheme” in some documentation as we gradually update all materials.
  • For developers: References to “scheme” will remain in the codebase (variable names, function names, etc.) for technical stability.

Why This Change?

This update brings more consistency to our interface language and aligns with modern design terminology. While this is a small change, we believe that consistent terminology makes the platform more intuitive to use.


If you have any questions about this change, or notice any areas where it has not been appropriately updated, please reply below.