How do colors work and how to change them?

Sorry for the broad subject but I’ve been puzzling over this and I cannot find an appropriate tutorial or even explanation.

Whenever I need to change a color anywhere on Discourse, I follow this path:

  • Is the color managed by a theme component? If not,
  • Does it seem to be managed by /admin/customize/colors? If not,
  • Open dev tools and try to find the matching CSS

But then I’m lost because I find things like var(--primary-low) and I have no idea where these are defined, though they look related to the notion of primary color in /admin/customize/colors. So:

  • How are these var() things defined?
  • What is the recommended way to modify them consistently?

The colors are (calculated) here:

The CSS variables are defined here:

If you want to override let’s say --primary-medium, you can add this to your theme:

:root {
    --primary-high: red;

However, I don’t know how to use the color transformation functions, which need SCSS variables.

I see that @import "common/foundation/variables"; is not required as “core and theme variables are now injected before any SCSS file is compiled”, but I couldn’t have it working nonetheless. I’ll pass the mic to more knowledgeable users :microphone:


You can check the style guide

You can check the /styleguide/atoms/colors for colours too. You have to enable in your site settings by searching for ‘styleguide’

For example:


Wow, first time I hear of styleguide, thanks.
So I understand custom CSS is the only way to modify these styles, as @Canapin said, right? (:heart: for confirming if you want)

This method is probably the easiest, it will work for any of the automatically generated colors

but you can also override colors in a theme’s about.json file as described here Override values for auto-generated color variables