Commit message functionality for topic title edits

Is it possible to leave a commit message — a note explaining the reasons for your changes — when tweaking a topic title, later adding or removing topic tags, and/or shifting categories?

It is normally always useful to let others know your motives for making such changes.

If this facility does not exist, please treat this query as a feature request. TIA and best


When editing a post, you can add an edit message using the :information_source: style icon in the composer:

edit message

Clicking on that will open up a box to add a message:

Though changes made using the topic title edit pencil don’t have the same option.


Thanks. That was my impression. Being a programmer, I get nervous when I cannot leave a note for those who might follow along behind.


Is your edit message shown in the same revision as the title edit when you do that?


Apparently not. When editing only the title, it seems to create a second revision for the edit message instead.

Let’s flip it to feature :+1:


To let you know that I guess you can vote up  :arrow_up:  this feature request by clicking on the blue Vote button on the very top left.