Community Support Program FAQS

This is the topic where you can ask any questions you might have about what the program is, why you should participate, what the wheel is all about, etc, etc. Anything at all, really. :slight_smile:

There is a timer on it to keep the reply tail trimmed down so as not to overwhelm anyone thinking they have to read through everything to get up to speed, but all the ones that crop up frequently will be folded into this OP to help future members who may be considering joining up. :+1:

What is the Community Support Program?

The Community Support Programme is a way to gain recognition for your help in assisting and supporting others with their Discourse communities. Lots of members put a lot of time and effort into answering questions and providing support here on Meta and we want to celebrate that. :partying_face:

The program also provides a pathway to learning more about Discourse and developing your skills by setting goals and marking achievements as you help others with their issues. The more you explore all the features, functions, and custom options that are available the more knowledgeable you become, and there is no better way to gain experience of all the different ways Discourse can be used than by supporting others.

What is the Skill Wheel?

The Skill Wheel is a visual representation of a participant’s current abilities. The more skills and abilities acquired, the more sections of the wheel they accumulate.

You can find out more detail about what’s needed to achieve each section in The Skill Wheel

How do I join?

You can request to join the @support-explorers group by clicking on the @mention and pressing ‘Request to join’. :+1:

Are there any minimum requirements to join?

Not many. :slight_smile: You would be expected to know the basics, and to have shown some aptitude for helping others by participating on Meta prior to being accepted - but apart from that, you can learn as you grow. :seedling: :slight_smile:

Do I have to answer a million support questions?

Not at all. This is a community program and should not take over your life. :slight_smile: Contributing to topics on Meta about a wide variety of things will demonstrate your knowledge of Discourse, of course, but it doesn’t have to be done in a day, and quality will count far more than quantity.

Ultimately, supporting others here on Meta should be an enjoyable experience, and participation in this program is in no way mandatory. Please don’t ever feel as if you must contribute.

I’m sure these will be added to as we go, so feel free to ask anything not covered here below. :slight_smile: :+1: