[Complete] [Paid] Migration script from NodeBB (redis) to Discourse

Yeah, for external images I’m not doing anything, but in the case of avatars I’ll save them as Discourse uploads. I’ll double check what other options I have.

Also, I need to fix references to posts inside posts, so these are not broken after the migration.

I’ll post here if I encounter any issue.


Nice! This is looking great.

I personally can live without avatar migration. I think of all the things that is simple enough to tell users to re-upload manually, especially since I think the imgur plugin forced all of those to get uploaded there instead of locally. That is likely an edge case for NodeBB users.

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I just created a PR for this https://github.com/discourse/discourse/pull/5842

Thanks to Discourse and @tehspaceg for sponsoring this work :heart:


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