Composer Character Count

:information_source: Summary A Theme Component to simultaneously display count the number of characters typed in the composer as well as the required number to post. Tracks Post body and Topic Title separately.
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link GitHub - merefield/discourse-tc-character-count: A Theme Component to simultaneously count the number of characters typed in the composer as well as the required number to post!
:open_book: Install Guide Installing a theme or theme component
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A Theme Component to simultaneously display count the number of characters typed in the composer as well as the required number to post. Two separate displays for Post body and Title.

Provides users information to avoid them failing to Post because they’ve not entered the minimum lengths required by global settings.

You can configure it to make the display disappear once the minimum number of characters has been reached using setting:


Originally based on the official plugin, but this is a much simpler install. I have since modernised the code, added additional logic and made the interface language agnostic.


Does this prevent the post from being posted if it is lower than the minimum? Or does neither the plugin nor this component do that?
Just curious.

No change to back-end validation. Just a helpful display.

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