Composer Highlighted Button

:information_source: Summary Adds a Highlighted Text button to the composer in Discourse. Wraps the selected text in HTML <mark></mark> tags.
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Composer Highlighted Button for Discourse

Adds a Highlighted Text button to the composer in Discourse. Wraps the selected text in HTML <mark></mark> tags.

See also


Good work!

But the range of Theme Components is a little … profuse … for such small differences?

Why not just have one Theme Component, with settings governing what is available?


Yeah, I agree. Do you think I should just combine the Highlighted button with the Inserted and Deleted?


That’s what I would do and just let people decide which features they want exposed?

With that approach you could also add more features with time (if they were similar in nature).


I’d prefer one component that I could keep adding more buttons to, with each button having it’s own toggle on and off in the settings.

For now I could add settings to optionally place the buttons in the existing dropdown, but that seems awkward too.

One button that (on click or optionally on hover) pops open a row of buttons would be preferable to a dropdown IMO.