Composer previews not working in Safari

Now only one error showed up, but here it is expanded:

However, that might be a good hint, as I also ran into this Safari issue when adding in a regex with negative lookbehind recently.

My Safari is at 16.3. I’ll try upgrading it to 16.6 and see if that solves it.

EDIT: I see that negative lookbehinds are only supported from 16.4, so the update should be likely to fix my previous issue—let’s see if this issue is related. However, I’m a bit concerned that my site will be broken for those on older Safari releases, especially when Safari updates are linked to OS updates.

EDIT 2: Upgrading to Safari 16.6 worked:

So I guess I’ll need to make a decision between having the negative lookbehind in a Watched Word regex vs a broken experience for people with an outdated version of Safari…

Thanks for your help everyone! :pray: