AI helper has disappeared in composer

I upgraded recently because of that rebuilding-issue by Dsicourse AI (or what ever it was). After that AI helper disappeared from composer. It show tools for title, category and tags, but that pop-up took a sickday.

Because it happends here and on my forum, and because my settings for AI helper are valid, I would guess something has broken.


This is strange. When I’m using iPad on iPadOS 16.7.8 helper of composer

  • doesn’t show up with DiscourseHub
  • does work with Safari

But iPhone with totally fresh 17.6.1 refuses show AI helper in composer totally.

What other devices do or not do… I don’t know. All I know couple days ago AI helper worked without problems. And after that came two fixes to Discourse: that rebuilding error and automatic caption.


It still works for me:


So do I if I use Safari instead of DiscourseHub. So, I need to start new topic, because the issue seems to be DiscourseHub.

Well, I have to do few more tests. I’ll fix this topic a bit later.


I figured it out. Kind of. That pop-up is there but it is hidden behind composer.

If you try you can find it.

That specific one may be fixed relatively easy, perhaps, but this may be part of wide problem how Discourse works on i-devices. And there is several ones, like (again) three visible rows in composer, difficulties browse users, categories etc.


@keegan confirmed, this is not working in Safari Mobile (both hub and Safari)


It seems this affects android too. I think this commit is related.

This should be a z-index issue on mobile view. :thinking:

If I change it to desktop view it will appears.


Thanks for submitting this report @Jagster

Thanks @Don for narrowing down the issue so I can push out a quicker fix.

This should now be resolved :tada:


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