Configure an S3 compatible object storage provider for uploads

I’m also in this situation with an object store configured (minio) but no CDN. Is it a use case that could be supported ?

From what I’m seeing so far in my tests there is only the markdown-it-bundle js file that is having issues as its pointing to the wrong URL - DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME/DISCOURSE_S3_CDN_URL/assets/

It actually looks lit a bug for this one, if I set DISCOURSE_CDN_URL variable, it still points to the wrong URL in this form DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME/DISCOURSE_CDN_URL/assets/

it should point to DISCOURSE_S3_CDN_URL/assets/

Other js assets are pointing to the right URL ’

I guess from what you are saying I will have other issues that I have not identified yet. Maybe you can give me more info on what could go wrong ?

If I undestand it well, js assets are on the object store, stylesheets should be on a CDN. WIthout a CDN could the stylesheets be delivered by the app as usual ? (from what i’m seeing its the case)

Thanks for your help