Configure direct-delivery incoming email for self-hosted sites with Mail-Receiver

A few notes from setting this up:

  • Be sure to secure the new container configuration file with: chmod o-rwx containers/mail-receiver.yml. If you don’t you’ll get prompted to do this when you bootstrap the container.
  • When creating the API key, I selected “All Users” and “Global” scope. I don’t know if a more restricted key would work.
  • The sample mail-receiver.yml file has quite different TLS settings so you’ll want to use the instructions here rather than tying to edit the sample.
  • It also includes a smtpd_tls_security_level setting that I uncommented. I didn’t do any research to figure out if it’s needed or if I’d be better off with a different setting then “may”.
  • If you want to set up an email for a particular category, that can be done in /c/{category-name}/edit/settings. (This is useful if you want to make a sorta mailing list category.) For a group, you can set up an email address in /g/{group-name}/manage/interaction.

I dunno if any of this will help others, but it would have helped me. :wink: