Configure Twitter login and rich embeds for Discourse

Do you still have the rich embeds? I just got suspended too, I don’t actually care about the Twitter login (I have it disabled regardless) but I was using it for the tweet embedding so if recreating works for that great

It looks like it’s possible in theory:

But I don’t think Discourse uses that API.

I can confirm it still works for rich embeds, so yea just nuke your old app and recreate it the same as in the OP instructions and it works as it did fine

Recreating did not work for rich embeds for me. Recreated app within the same project and then tried recreating both project and app.


Yeah I realized that even though I recreated both my project and my app it didn’t actually work for me either. I even tried using a completely new developer account and it’s still not working.

Are you using the right keys? It’s the API key/secret not the second client set it gives you (I say this because I used the wrong set first and it didn’t work obviously)

I completely nuked the original app (that had the warning saying it was suspended) and started it again (Development app, not production or staging). I don’t believe I had to delete the project just the app. I filled in the same site callback URL I used previously and the website URL. I didn’t add the TOS/privacy (it’s only needed if you want to use logins which u left disabled). I didn’t select “capture emails” or whatever the option is. I made it read-only (only read tweets, none of the other options about posting or anything).

Then on discourse I left “enable twitter authentication” unselected and added the API keys.

Sorry if I’m missing anything, i can’t go in and see all the options I selected and such unless I delete it, and it won’t let me create a second Development app to go through the steps again. But I followed the guide in the OP (even though the interface is a little different now) for everything after nuking the original project. If there’s any options I didn’t mention if you post a screenshot of the setup I can tell you what I picked. I did it all on my phone in like 5 minutes and it’s working so unfortunately I don’t really know how/why beyond that

I just posted this a minute ago

Yes, those are what I have tried using. I have tried recreating them as well and it still didn’t work.

Edit: Just for clarity, you didn’t pay for access, did you @Kartoon? You’re using the free tier?

I ask because I’m not clear on if the GET endpoint for tweets is even available on the free tier. It looks like it might not be, which would obviously be a problem.

Yeah no luck here, followed same steps. Weird, I wonder if it is on Twitter’s end?

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No I didn’t pay I took the basic plan no way I was paying $100 a month for that function. The have 0 payment information either so there’s no way they accidentally charged me though the dashboard is super basic and doesn’t really specify any details about anything

I honestly have no idea then, I did the OP guide probably about 6 or so months ago to originally add it, did the application or whatever for the higher access. Got the identical email that was posted here today and just deleted the app, recreated it and it was fine right away.

Are you trying to turn on the Twitter login part too? Maybe both functions don’t work together anymore? I never had that enabled on my old one and I didn’t enable it now. That’s really the only thing I can think of. I would try to recreate the app for you but you can only have one development one at a time, and seeing how you guys are having issues I’m a little nervous about deleting the app and redoing the steps again in case I have some weird fluke making it work right now

I’ve tried posting 5 or so different tweets and they’re all working fine

My project still has “elevated” status, does yours?

Edit: I did find a way to see the settings I used

My callback URL is

Maybe it’s somehow secretly georestricted? Though I’m in Canada with a Canadian domain so if you’re in the US I can’t imagine that’s the case

It’s working here without images on oneboxed Tweets (probably related to last changes on their API).

I’m getting images too, can you link me a tweet that doesn’t display correctly for you so I can test that specific one?

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Forget it, it’s something related to my Discourse server or something (because it’s working here on Meta).

I received the same email but I can’t see any banner or notice anywhere. I seems to be on the free plan… that UI is really made by freaking monkeys btw, and the only thing I care is the embed to work. We don’t really care to post stuff on twitter from our forum.

I asked my users to ping me if they notice something wrong.
I’m not touching anything in the settings of twitter as it seems that anytime you change something, something break.

The existing Twitter embeds on the forum are there. Adding new ones doesn’t give me the Discourse preview as you’re typing up your post, but when posted they do appear.

Here’s a caveat…

If an image or video was manually attached to the Tweet in question, it will load in the onebox.


If the image was automatically pulled in from a URL for the Tweet in question, that does not seem to load in the onebox. Maybe that’s always been the case, I do not remember.


By the way, the Twitter links preview here on Meta in the preview pane as I type. I’m not seeing that functionality on my forum.

It doesn’t seem to matter which option I select here:

I can confirm @Kartoon’s settings are working on my instance as well. I did have an incorrect callback URI in the twitter side which prevented it from working at first, so perhaps verify that?

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I’ll have to wait till I’m at a PC to check if I get the previews, I have no idea since I fixed it on my phone and don’t see the preview box I just know they show up after posted obviously.

I get the same behavior you get with the second tweet but likewise I can’t say if that was always the case or if that’s new

I did notice if you try to post the same link again after onebox has failed, it does not reattempt to load. A different link is necessary every time you try.

As for tweets with links in them, I dont think they ever loaded the linked content.

Didn’t change anything after yesterday but tried today and rich embeds are working again.

I believe that applies to anything oneboxed. I’m assuming it has something to do with how it’s cached when you post it, because when you post it the second time it also processes it faster.

But like with Google Drive if you post a link to a restricted folder it’ll give text about “sign in to see this item”. If you then make it public and repost it’ll still give you that instead of the proper folder description. Or when IMDb links started turning into posters, after that was fixed any you already morphed into posters stayed like that. There’s probably a way to do something about that but it’s never been a big deal for me.

Very strange…with all the wonkiness popping up on Twitter maybes it’s just that, they probably had a flood of people changing things if everyone got that email so maybe it was doing… something. At least it works now lol

Same, so this was probably problems on Twitter’s end.