Configuring custom private repo of discourse through docker

Hello Discourse devs,

We are trying to deploy discourse for our forum through the official docker installation script. We want to keep a private git repo of discourse code. I am not able to figure out a way in the docker script to point to the private repo. I have changed the git clone url in ./image/base/Dockerfile (line 136), and also in the standalone.yml file. Still instead of picking the private repo, it’s picking the github public repo of discourse. Can you please tell me right approach of doing this?

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See, How to source a theme from a private git repository


Oh. That’s such a crazy idea that I didn’t understand the question.

Like Matt said, the right approach is to develop a plugin. If you want it in a private repo, then you can follow my directions above.

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Don’t modify Discourse core, make your changes via a plugin or theme instead.


@pfaffman, @mpalmer We are not going to modify the core of discourse at all. We just want to keep it a fixed stable version which can be pulled by docker. This way, we can decide the frequency of pulling the new updates. This can help us avoid breaking of any plugin in production due to changes in discourse.

Well, You can move to the stable branch of discourse or pin a particular version in your yml file for that purpose instead of making a private repo.


Is there anyway of doing this?

My use-case is I am using the discourse oauth basic plugin, and I don’t want users to be able to change their usernames. It seems the only way to remove this ability is to change the core of discourse?

If you’re talking about reducing the change from Discourse itself either pin a commit, or use stable.

Modifying core via a fork is totally unsupported. Look into developing a plugin if you’re intent on altering how avatars behave.

Can a plugin remove total access though for changing usernames? Like I am not sure if I can remove the ability on the username route to no longer work via plugin.

Are you using an external sso?

There is a site setting that determines how long someone has to change their username.

I am using Roblox’s beta OAuth. So realistically I don’t want users able to change their usernames at all, and just use the usernames from Roblox.

So realistically I want their Username to become their roblox username, their Name to become their roblox nickname (which both can change on the roblox platform), and their avatar, which can also change.

To all be non-editable by the end-user and automatically update. (atleast on login)

Currently I am using the Oauth 2 basic plugin. Do you suggest I use something else to gain what I am looking for? Basically as SSO?

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Isn’t this a case of setting username change period to 0 ?

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I was able to disable it with

Even though I am not using the SSO functionality discourse provides as I don’t think I can with roblox? Roblox does not provide a email for the user.

I guess is it even possible for me to do this and not have users change their name,username,avatar while at the same time roblox not providing a email? Since I know when I log in with OAuth it fills in the username, name, and avatar, but I don’t want them to be able to change the username, and name on sign-up. but atleast let them provide a email