Connect Discourse to WeChat Mini Program

There is an instant messaging tool in China called WeChat. It has a function called (Mini Program), which is actually a built-in browser. If Discourse can be added to the Mini Program, it will be a great opportunity for Discourse to expand in China. I am trying to do this, but due to China’s content review, WeChat officials require me to access their content review, which is beyond my ability. I hope you can help me. Here are some relevant screenshots and requirements given by the official customer service of WeChat Mini Program:

Hello, your Mini Program involves providing UGC customized content publishing functions, but the service experience process has specific restrictions. The link is currently unable to experience the Mini Program functions normally and confirm that the Mini Program has content security identification capabilities. To prevent your Mini Program from being abused, we recommend that you access the WeChat public platform content security API (imgSecCheck, msgSecCheck, mediaCheckAsync) capabilities reference document. After access, please follow the instructions in the document [Use Case] ​​and save the screen recording of the interface return value. After uploading the successful screen recording of the interface call and the screenshot of the Mini Program service, submit the code.

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I really hope someone with the ability can help me. This market is very broad in China. There are about 1400,000,000 people using WeChat in China. If Discourse can be compatible with WeChat Mini Programs, it will be great.


Do you mean that you need somebody in China to help you submit details to this program?