Copying and pasting topic titles and other links into posts

:bookmark: This documentation explains how to copy and paste topic titles and other links into posts.

:person_raising_hand: Required user level: All users

Links can be copied from anywhere on the web and pasted into a post. This can be useful for linking related topics or external resources directly within your Discourse posts.

:information_source: This feature requires that Admins have not disabled the enable rich text paste site setting.

Copy and Paste a Topic Title and Link:

  1. Navigate to the topic you want to link.
  2. Highlight the title of the topic by clicking and dragging your mouse over it.
  3. Copy the highlighted title by pressing the Ctrl+C (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+C (Mac) keyboard shortcuts.
  4. Open the topic composer by creating a new topic or replying to an existing one.
  5. Paste the copied link by pressing the Ctrl+V (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+V (Mac) keyboard shortcuts.

When you paste the link, it will be automatically converted to markdown, and it will be formatted as a clickable link with the topic title visible.

[This is the topic title](https://<your-topic-url>)

Last edited by @hugh 2024-06-25T11:16:48Z

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