- We are creating a group via API, for instance, SAMPLE-CATEGORY-001
- We are creating a category via API, category SAMPLE-CATEGORY-001
- We are trying to make the category tied to the group permission upon creation
When referencing:
I see "“group_permissions” array declared, and the permissions param which seems to be null on all my live categories.
"http://ourwebsite.com/categories/70?api_key=****&api_username=*****&name=SAMPLE-CATEGORY-001&color=fff&text_color=295288&group_permissions={"permission_type": 1, "group_name": "SAMPLE-CATEGORY-001"}"1, "group_name": "SAMPLE-CATEGORY-001"}"
What is the correct syntax to update the category with the group permissions?
Any help would be appreciated, as we are trying to create an automatic process for our users.