Crafted redirect throws Sidekiq into an infinite loop

As an attacker, I set up a PHP server with a script:


header('Location: test2.php?val='.uniqid())

and a .htaccess file:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule test.png test2.php

Then, I went to my local Discourse install and created a few posts with the following link:

which Discourse turned into an image. What happened then, however, is shown here:

In short, the Discourse image downloader never stops sending requests. Even after an hour, running tcpdump on Discourse server still shows outgoing traffic.

Additionally, enough of those posts saturate Sidekiq, breaking the whole downloader functionality:

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This topic is now invisible. It will no longer be displayed in any topic lists. The only way to access this topic is via direct link.

Haven’t tested that yet, but made the topic invisible in the case it’s a potential risk.

FYI, next time your report an attack, can you please either send a PM to one of the member of the team or email instead of writing a public topic?

Okay, sorry.

It seems like you can only break Sidekiq for half an hour or so. If you do leave an open slot for heartbeats, however, the server will keep following the link until manually stopped.

Thanks for reporting that issue. Just pushed a fix :panda_face:

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