Create custom Automations

You need to install it like any other Discourse plugin: Install Plugins in Discourse. So you would install the Automation plugin and install your plugin that adds the custom scripts. The reason it works is because of the methods defined here: In the example code I posted above, you’ll see that the custom script is being added with a call to add_automation_scriptable.

Note: don’t install the example automation from my github repo, just take it as an example of how to extend the Automation plugin. (I forgot I’d linked to it here and updated it so that it only works with my forked version of the Discourse Automation plugin. The code I linked to here is still valid though: Create custom Automations - #6 by simon. I’ll update the automation-script-example plugin ASAP so that it works without the changes I made to my forked version of the Automation plugin.)

My concern was unfounded. This condition isn’t necessary:

if automation.script == "user_update_summary_email_options" && (context["kind"] == "user_added_to_group" || context["kind"] == "user_removed_from_group")

I’ll update the example soon.