Creating a custom Automation

Is it possible to create own scripts without any problem? Just putting it in the folder and with the plugin updates, nothing happens? Or do i have to create a plugin that interfaces with this plugin? For example, I need a script to create a topic. There is a post creation script but I need to create automatic topics. Thanks!


Yes it needs a plugin to define a custom script.

Something like this in plugin.rb

after_initialize do
  if defined?(DiscourseAutomation)
    add_automation_scriptable("my_custom_script") do
      # ...

I tried but it says:

Couldn’t find script lb-script for automation testing, ensure the associated plugin is installed

Maybe I’m wrong, but should I create a separate file or is it okay to put everything in the plugin.rb file?

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Show me some code or it will be hard for me to help you :slight_smile:

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I just tried with the post script copied from the scripts folder of the Automation plugin:

after_initialize do
    if defined?(DiscourseAutomation)
        add_automation_scriptable("lb-script") do
            version 1

            placeholder :creator_username
            field :creator, component: :user
            field :topic, component: :text, required: true
            field :post, component: :post, required: true
            triggerables %i[recurring point_in_time]
            script do |context, fields, automation|
              creator_username = fields.dig("creator", "value") || Discourse.system_user.username
              placeholders = { creator_username: creator_username }.merge(context["placeholders"] || {})
              creator = User.find_by!(username: creator_username)
                topic_id: fields.dig("topic", "value"),
                raw: fields.dig("post", "value"),

I lack context around what you are doing here, here is a full blown example in an external plugin: discourse-assign/plugin.rb at main · discourse/discourse-assign · GitHub

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I don’t understand what the difference is compared to what I did. Obviously I used the post script just to see if it worked. But when I go to create an automation, it doesn’t find me any trigger and it says it can’t find the script. But the code should let me select between the 2 triggers to create a post, right? I’m definitely wrong but I don’t really understand.

are you sure your new plugin is enabled?

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Yes, of course. It is absolutely enabled.

Can you try to use assign locally and see if you manage to get to show in the list? If not theres something else going on.

I can confirm that Random Assign works even if the Assign plugin is not enabled. There’s probably something I’m missing, I don’t want to waste your time.


I figured out what the problem was.

I changed lb-script to lb_script and it works now. Evidently you can’t use the hyphen(-) symbol.