Creating a duplicate of production environment

@RemahI didn’t say development - I said “staging/testing”. I’m talking about a staging environment to test things such as an importation of messages from another platform, etc.

No, I am not spamming the forum. This is a different thought process altogether. What you mention is regarding a backup problems or flaw that exists in the system and the standard “backup/restore” path that some might consider as an option to this path, however it is not the only path to follow and therefore I’m exploring another option of setting up such a staging environment presently by going down an altogether different path.

My comment was pointed: I said “developer” because you have “developed” a non-standard Discourse install.

We know that such configurations generate a lot of issues that are not relevant to the majority of instances using the officially supported install method.

I referred to the topic you created because it is a case in point.

Remember this topic. It is not a discussion of variations from the norm but a request for standard steps:

Your instance is a long way from such standard set of steps:

This topic becomes muddied the more unsupported configurations that are included here. The official install has a population of hundreds or thousands where advice will generally be applicable to all. Whereas non-standard installs often have a population/sample size of one so it is far better to put them in separate topics because some advice will be misleading for the majority.


I apologise if I’ve come across too strongly. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m not trying to dissuade you from posting what is likely to be very useful information for some sites. Your contribution will be more useful and more easily referenced with its own title in its own topic.

Confusingly I’m getting the following error here:

$ git reset --hard '28032eaf38530b96c92aef3df42841aa8613a2f6'
fatal: Could not parse object '28032eaf38530b96c92aef3df42841aa8613a2f6'.

I believe that’s the right hash that’s running on my production server, and it looks to exist on github:

Looks clean otherwise:

$ git status
# On branch master
nothing to commit, working directory clean
$ git fsck
Checking object directories: 100% (256/256), done.
Checking objects: 100% (5038/5038), done.

I’m wanting to stage the upgrade to 2.7.0.beta2, but this looks to be preventing me from starting at the same point as the production servers :frowning:

Oh - I’ve confused Discourse hashes with discourse-docker hashes… silly me. I should be putting my Discourse version hash in the version: field of the yml as per How do you install an earlier version of Discourse? - #2 by johnmuhl

Sorry for the noise.