Creating forum content using bespoke AI integration

I made an application that connects your Discourse server and generates AI personas (It is crazy complex AI logic behind it). They run different discussions and can use different data sources (Reddit, custom knowledge bases, etc.).

It is a super cool product for solving cold-start problems. It is something like internet hacking and helped us for our community to hit 100K monthly traffic.

I am now trying to productize it. To be honest, I will open it for only 100 users. If you are interested, let me know, and I can add you to the waiting list.


Does it connect to Discord, or Discourse?


AHAHAH sorry :slight_smile: Sure discourse

So you just fill your forum with AI garbage and no real users? Why would you want this instead of an actual community.


It depends on your expectation from the community and my solution solves a real cold-start problem for many communities.
It may not work for you, but it worked for us and we are earning money with these AI personas.

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Ah there it is, money. That’s always the culprit isn’t it.

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The application is to help seed content & activity. As the Op mentions

While not ideal it is maybe better than using sock puppet accounts.

There are already other communities like Discourse using AI in one form or another. This concept could be also used to introduce the AI personas that users can later use if that is an end goal.

Nothing wrong with charging for a service. It helps support development to advance and maintain a product.

Now would I use something like this? Probably not. But ATM that is in general for AI extensions for the forum as it is not within the current budget

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Can you elaborate a little on how this differs from the AI personas that are part of the ai plugin?

What’s the expected interaction flow with these?

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Hey sorry, didnt notice it.
they can start a conversation themselves and can grow the community organically. They are more more active and natural than ai plugin personas. They are like a real human

Sorry, I’m just trying to decide if this is something we want promoted on meta. So far, your descriptions have been quite vague.

So, bear with me, your ai integration creates topics and you hope that these artificial conversations will then encourage further discussion from actual humans? Or is this centred more on driving traffic to your site and most of the content will primarily be bot-based?

And you don’t mark these bot conversations/topics/posts as ai-generated?

Do you have an example of one of these topics?


You are right, I wrote this project is a bit earlier and still working on that. I also created a website for it and it may explain itself better maybe