CSS Theme Contest: Winners!

At long last, it’s time to announce the winners of our CSS Theme Contest!

With full themes the bar is set much higher and we also allowed just a single submission per user. As a result we ended up with fewer submissions, which led to a last-minute decision to rebalance the prize pool across 4 prizes as opposed to the announced 5.

The winners are as follows:

4th place: “Discourse Greek” by @dan

Preview: https://theme-creator.discourse.org/theme/udan11/greek
Code: https://github.com/udan11/discourse-greek

:heavy_dollar_sign: 500 USD

3rd place: “Well-Rounded” by @tshenry

Preview: https://theme-creator.discourse.org/theme/tshenry/well-rounded
Code: https://github.com/tshenry/discourse-well-rounded-theme

:heavy_dollar_sign: 600

2nd place: “Fresh Theme” by @molszew

Preview: https://theme-creator.discourse.org/theme/molszew/fresh
Code: https://github.com/Molszew/discourse_fresh_theme

:heavy_dollar_sign: 850

1st place: “Lightbox” by @PullJosh

Preview: https://theme-creator.discourse.org/theme/PullJosh/lightbox2
Code: https://github.com/PullJosh/lightbox

:heavy_dollar_sign: 1000

Congrats! :tada:

Thanks a bunch for participating :heartpulse: This will be the last contest we do for the foreseeable future. Going forward we will put the contest format on hold in favor of nurturing our themes ecosystem with the Encouragement Fund approach. While contests are good for building buzz and excitement they don’t incentivise iterative and transparent development mentored by the crowd, which is our :bread: and :pancakes: (there’s some butter on top there).

To the designers: Please tell us all about your impression of Discourse themes thus far, and where you’d like them to go from here.


Huge thanks to the entire team for putting on the contest. :slight_smile: I had tons of fun, and can’t wait to see the themes in use.

Also: Congrats to all who submitted a theme! It will be fun to see a wider variety of discourse sites out in the wild.


Nice work guys :ok_hand: