Culture and Habits of Mailing Lists and Forums? Are they reconcilable?

Thanks @codinghorror - that is the invite button I was referring to above. As discussed elsewhere, this functionality is not yet working for private groups but is being worked on. So I was going to wait until the next update to try this again and learn more precisely how it works. But yes, I think that invite button might well be the “gateway drug” to entice mailing list folks to come on over and join discourse forums. :wink:

The invite button only really works for inviting one or two people, however, and does not really help the listowner who wants to move a mailing list over to a group on discourse because they won’t necessarily come. This is happening to me right now on Kabissa… I have a core team of about 15 people I am trying to entice over to help me learn about discourse, and so far only a handful have moved over on their own!

Ideally I would want to impose this on these 15 people and just import them to discourse and add them to the group. This is a common requirement, methinks, and the functionality that would make this easiest for most people is a CSV import, much like Mailchimp, CiviCRM etc and other tools that folks are familiar with for managing contacts.

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