Custom Code and Database Changes for Discourse Rails Application

I need to implement some custom code-level and database-level changes in my Discourse Rails application to meet my specific requirements.

  1. Additional Fields in User Registration
  • I need to add extra fields in the Sign-Up form for user registration.
  • These fields should be manageable using the existing custom fields feature in the Discourse application.
  1. Update Password Encryption Method
  • Currently, Discourse uses “PBKDF2” for password encryption.
  • As per my requirement, I need to switch to “MD5” instead of “PBKDF2”.
  1. I needs to create some API’s to call my another application. when create new user then I need to add that user to my discourse application

Please assist me with the implementation details and necessary code changes.

Hi @gambhir-makwana :slight_smile:

These all seem like distinct questions with different answers. Could you please create a separate topic for each.


Yes, let me create separate topics for each.
Thank you

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So go ahead and add the user custom fields through the UX?

That’s going to be a challenge since you don’t seem familiar with Rails or Discourse plugins. It does appear that there are hooks for alternate encryption methods, but I’m not quite sure just how easy it’lll be to add another and override the default on in a plugin without some pretty good insight into how Rails and Discourse allow for such overrides.

You and probably do that with webhooks through the UX.

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I’m going to close this off so it doesn’t pick up any more replies while you split the issues into separate topics. :+1:

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