Customising the CSS of tags

how to change view for topics? and how to add new tags in our side community forum.

Can you elaborate a bit here? What do you mean by change the view?

Make sure you have Tagging Enabled via your site settings at /admin/site_settings/category/tags

You’ll be able to customise the other tags settings to suit your needs.

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Suppose we’ve tag named ‘article’ , so how can we add css properties to it like borderbox, color, bold, italic, etc.

You can use your Chrome inspector to find the CSS target and then style it as you see fit.

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Thank you HAWK, but i’m not an developer,So should we have some setting in developed site to change this tags properties.

You could advertise in our marketplace for someone with CSS knowledge to give you hand. It would likely only take an hour or so.

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