I’m looking for the way to add say a short intro sentence to appear above our community’s signup form. I’ve managed to change the header and even swap the emoji from the standard hand wave I have seen in searching here reference to customizing my theme component,
We are not overly diligent in screening signups as it is a forum for open educators around the world, but we get an increasingly number of accounts created where they do not fill in the required fields with credible stuff (like city, country, their motivation to join the community). I have been deleting requests from what looks like just an effort to get accounts somewhere (I have only seen one spam effort so far, surprising).
I just want to add a sentence up top to indicate that completing the form will best enable us to approve their accounts (as well as just being good community members).
Thanks for any help.
And PS, the AI generated alt text here is a gem. I am the only person from our 1800 member4 community that enters alt text for images,
You’d need to do a bit more work than I did to make the HTML and/or CSS such that it would put the text exactly where you want it, but this is a good start.
That signup for is different from the invite forum and yet quite similar but it seems that the invite form doesn’t have the same outlets or am I missing something?
after-user-name is slightly janky, if I were to use top-notices how would I restrict my modification to only the invite page? Or are you suggesting I just override it and then hide it from everything else?
I have them as required but what happens is people dumps random stuff in there that is usually not even close to what we ask for. That at least identifies the spammers!