Data Explorer 'anonymous_users' table

The ‘anonymous users’ table in Data Explorer is returning a list of actual users with user_id. They’re not really ‘anonymous’ nor ‘anonymized.’

It’s not making any sense and I’m trying to understand what this table is and why the random list of 46/11000 users are in that list.

You can run:

SELECT * FROM anonymous_users

This table is referred to on the repo as: discourse/app/models/anonymous_user.rb at main · discourse/discourse · GitHub

Any clue?


Anonymized users are completely wiped of their data, except their actions on the site.

Is this what you were asking?

Hi @anon16030817

Thanks for your response. My question is about the table itself. I understand the idea behind anonymous and anonymized, but when I run the query in data explorer:

SELECT * FROM anonymous_users

I see a list of random users including my account, so I don’t understand what this table itself is and why these users (who are not anonymous nor anonymized) appear there.


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I’m sorry, I don’t really know about this, I thought you were talking about anonymized users.

Good luck on this!

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It’s okay! Thanks for the help!

The table naming is not making sense so I understand it could even confuse people from understanding my question :sweat_smile:

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There are 3 cases where users can be anonymous

  • when they are not logged in
  • when they were anonymized
  • when they use anonymous-mode

The table is also mentioned in the admin documentation about anonymous mode.


Hi @Moin

Thank you so much! This is very helpful. Anonymous mode is not enabled in our instance, and I updated the settings again so now I no longer see the list when I run the query. It’s solved now.


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