Database Cleanup while writing a new Import Script

Hello Friends,

I am trying to write an import script from OSQA to discourse. I have local Ubuntu installation of discourse. I wanted a way to know whether there is some cleanup script available which can delete all the data from all the tables of the discourse? Currently, when I run the script, the next time the entries already inserted are skipped.

If such a cleanup script was available, then I can experiment locally frequently, and it will help me essentially in writing such a script. If such a script is not available, then I guess my course is to just create stored function in PSQL.

Please guide me regarding this. I would be very thankful for this.

I’m executing the following commands whenever I want to rebuild my development instance.

cd ~/Repositories/discourse

rm -R public/upload/*
rm -R tmp/*
rm -R log/*

redis-cli flushall
bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:migrate

Thanks a lot :slight_smile: It worked for me.

I always take a backup of an empty Discourse install with some tweaks made (admin user, allow_restore enabled, permalink settings, some adjusted limits to allow for a good import) and restore it when I want to start over again. Flushing redis is a good idea as well.

That’s what I usually do as well. :wink:
I have scripts for that too.




mkdir -p /data/backups/discourse
pg_dump -d discourse_development -F c -b -v -f /data/backups/discourse/${BACKUP_NAME}.backup




cd /data/backups/discourse

cd ~/Repositories/discourse
rm -R public/upload/*
rm -R public/backups/default/*
rm -R tmp/*
rm -R log/*

# close all connections because I usually forget to disconnect something...
psql -d postgres -c "SELECT pg_terminate_backend( FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE pg_stat_activity.datname = 'discourse_development' AND pid <> pg_backend_pid();"

redis-cli flushall

bundle install
bundle exec rake db:drop db:create

pg_restore -d discourse_development -v /data/backups/discourse/${BACKUP_NAME}.backup
bundle exec rake db:migrate

I got these error in docker:

root@infdis-app:/var/www/discourse# bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:migrate DISABLE_DATABASE_ENVIRONMENT_CHECK=1
 DEPRECATION: The cocaine gem is deprecated. Please upgrade to terrapin. See for further instructions.
PG::InsufficientPrivilege: ERROR:  must be owner of database discourse
Couldn't drop database 'discourse'
rake aborted!

but after I su - discourse, I got another error:

discourse@infdis-app:/var/www/discourse$ bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:migrate DISABLE_DATABASE_ENVIRONMENT_CHECK=1
 DEPRECATION: The cocaine gem is deprecated. Please upgrade to terrapin. See for further instructions.
rake aborted!
Errno::EACCES: Permission denied @ rb_sysopen - /var/www/discourse/tmp/ember-rails/ember.js

You shouldn’t use my scripts from above inside a Docker container. They are meant for a Ubuntu development environment.

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It’s a bit hard for me to build a development environment .
Is there any way I can go pass these error in docker?

Praveen were you able to create the migration script from osqa to discouse? If so would you share it with the wider community? Thanks