Default themes (dark and light) to install from package

You should be able to create a new theme (via the install button on admin > customize > themes) call it “Light” and select the light color scheme from the theme’s Color Palette dropdown.

The light/dark themes don’t have any custom styles, they’re just blank themes with a color palette selected.

The Light color palette is always available as the default option, but if you need to recreate the dark palette the colors are:

"Dark": {
  "primary": "dddddd",
  "secondary": "222222",
  "tertiary": "0f82af",
  "quaternary": "c14924",
  "header_background": "111111",
  "header_primary": "dddddd",
  "highlight": "a87137",
  "danger": "e45735",
  "success": "1ca551",
  "love": "fa6c8d"

Alternatively, you can re-run the color step in the wizard to create the themes (… just note that this also changes the default theme (which you can change back via the admin panel of course, but depending on how active your site is you might not want to suddenly change the default for everyone).