Delete drafts older than n days, What Doest It Mean?

There is Draft setting in Settings > Other:

delete drafts older than n days: 180 days (default)


For example, the user has a draft today, topic or reply.

Then, the drafts (topic and reply) in User Profile > Activity > Draft, will automatically delete in 180 days later if they not publish their draft.


Am I right?

What about the uploaded files?

Thank you…

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They will be deleted too, after the draft is deleted.


Thank you Falco

I almost miss this setting.
I think, its a good idea to give an information in user interface. So they will have no misunderstood about this draft feature.

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What should it say and where?

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That is too much information.

At 180 days, it would only make sense if it were being deleted while the user is editing it. But anyone who doesn’t finish their draft in 180 days probably doesn’t need it and probably doesn’t need to be told about it. If they haven’t composed a new post in 180 days then they’re hardly likely to care that they’ve lost a draft post.

If the site admin sets it to something really short, even 1 day, then I’d say this then becomes a feature that would have to be explained and justified for that forum only.


I am not a programmer.

Maybe in

However, for a moment, I will modified this and add an link information here:

and of course in beginner topic user.

Sorry, I mean, i will add my information here.

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