Description for the Anniversary badge

Continuing a discussion with @ljpp at our forum. Technically speaking the current description is ok, but otherwise I think it needs to be changed. I think that it is clumsy and can even be mislead a user to think that the badge is awarded on the first anniversary only.

This badge is granted when you’ve been a member for a year with at least one post in that year. Thank you for sticking around and contributing to our community. We couldn’t do it without you.

We ended up suggesting that the description should be changed to this.

This badge is granted annually to celebrate the anniversary of your membership, provided that you posted once or more during the past year. Thank you for sticking around and contributing to our community. We couldn’t do it without you.

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I generally don’t agree with “anniversary” as the terminology here. Perhaps it could say

This badge is granted each year you’ve been a member with at least one post in that year. Thank you for sticking around and contributing to our community. We couldn’t do it without you.

But sure, feel free to change that copy on your instance via Admin, Customize.


We already made the local change for Finnish at our forum and I also made a more subtle refinement for the general Finnish locale.

The change you proposed clears any possible confusion, too. So it would be fine. I let native speakers decide what kind of change the English string needs.

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:arrow_up:This makes more sense than :arrow_down:

The former quote takes into consideration users who have been on the platform for multiple years but spent at least one year inactive.

A number of people (96) on our forums suddenly received Anniversary badges last night - is this supposed to kick in at a particular time, like the anniversary day when the user registered? This obviously wasn’t the case for us because I know many who were suddenly awarded and the chances of us registering on 5 May is extremely unlikely.

I am more curious about whether this is actually working. I only have 10 anniversary badges, but I should have at least 20 (I have always been an admin of our forums). There is a 10-year gap (2005 to 2014). I checked the badges of a few longtime active users and confirmed some received badges in the years that did not.

Did I miss a setting? Or is 10 the limit for this badge?