Difference in discourse theme creator

Hi, I am develop new theme and I faced an issue when I try to run my theme on the production environment.

On discourse theme creator I have <table class="topic-list ember-view> which contain with all the topics.
But on prod I don’t have that div, instead I have <div class="categories-and-latest ember-view> which I don’t want.

As I understand, in my production I can choose under “settings”“Basic setup”“desktop category page style” a different option but I can’t find one that will render the <table class="topic-list ember-view> like on discourse theme creator.

Thank you,

The theme creator site places the Latest topic list view on the homepage by default.

To achieve a similar result you will need to go change your top_menu site setting and re-order it so that Latest appears first like so:

You can use the arrow buttons by hovering over the field to re-order the items.