Direct sign-up link

Hello, is there any kind of link that takes you directly to the login screen (as if the person had visited the forum, and had clicked on the login button)?

That’s because some people have difficulty (incredibly) in knowing how to create a new user…

It would be something that would lead directly to this screen:

well, if you want to make it so everyone who goes to your forum needs to log-in to see content, then you need to enable login _required in Admin-Settings.

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You can also link externally to /login or /signup, like, to take your users to these flows.


Hmm, thanks… but not exactly…

Users can browse anonymously…

But I wanted a way to send them a link that would already take them to that login screen.

For example, when someone asks: how do I create a user on the Forum, I have to say:

  1. Access this link
  2. Click the Sign-up button

But I would like to send a link, and the person only needs to fill in the data (or register for example with Google)

Thank you @renato , it solved my query.


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