Disable all users email notifications?

I’ve imported a phpbb forum to Discourse.
I’ve also imported some other messages and it seems that all the imported users are receiving activity emails from the Discourse forum, which I don’t want since I’m still heavily working on my forum and it isn’t opened to public yet.

So I need to disable all email notifications for the users as soon as possible. How can I achieve this?

There is a site setting to disable all email. The importers usually set this for you, or they should anyway.


For anyone who needs to do this… I just had to change this for an old version of a site that just had a DNS change. Only accessible through SSH.

The steps to do this are ssh into the server.

cd /var/discourse
sudo ./launcher enter app

if your container has a different name, replace app with the container name

rails c

I found the site setting by using the tab auto complete function after typing in disable… it may be helpful to others to know that.